Monday, November 17, 2008

The world's puppeteers must cut their strings

The power of labor can regulate the options that world governments decide to pursue when it is relevant to advocating or acting in the name of so called global justice. The difference between the “use of force” also made more recognizably famous by the term foreign policy or preemptive strikes as it was regularly used by virtue of the BUSH doctrine can be determined by the vital role that the global labor force plays in subsisting the global economy through capitalist production. The labor unit is an intrinsic factor that can shift the paradigm of options between the resort to violence, regulatory ambivalence that creates a tendency to be apathetic or just ethical morality when dealing with world order. This is done by the consolidation of united organizations that wield might through sustaining capitalist operations and thus decision making is thrust into the hands of the labor force. That is to say, the decision to be taken falls squarely into the hands of the planetary majority and not the elite class that controls the means of production and has influence within governmental agencies and bureaucracies. Another viable option may come in the shape of extreme interdependence between man and machine to facilitate the smooth operation of the global economy. As this dependence becomes more and more relevant to production, we as a species will see ourselves moving closer together to support each other against the domination of machine against mankind. Machines and artificial intelligence do not have the aptitude to create emotions that are transpired through racism and segregation and this will give them a competitive edge over the historical concept of competition that has been inherent to the human species. Religion and race might be relegated to issues of little or no importance. Despite this rhetoric of uprising, democracy needs to exist within this framework with a fusion of some forms of anarcho-communism to accommodate our brothers and sisters who suffer in silence as the world media strains its lenses on issues of miniscule importance that effect a negligible number in contrast to the vast population of the poor.
Some individuals out there might feel that providing the tools to create an environment of educational opportunity might suffice to alleviate the rift that capitalism and poverty have manifested but this will only lead to an inevitable congruence of more individuals becoming a part of the mainstream that generates more worker units to facilitate the various elements of a capitalist society. This sort of framework will not create more minds to think about individual liberty but instead create a world of individual security within the existing capitalistic framework that will only thrive with the burden vested upon some group of people somewhere usually blocked from our minds and hidden from sight. The free world as it is referred to, is ironic as it destroys all those that are not participatory through its enclaves of business. Ascendance or assimilation to this will create a greater lack benevolence in favor of sustaining individual security within artificially prescribed boundaries at the expense of global human liberty. The passion of the mind can set us free but the enticement of security and maintaining our, or rather capitalistically intended way of life, will keep us shackled to our worldview that is capitalist-centric. Some may identify this talk as that of a person touting the path of professional trouble maker but what else or who else is there to check on the balances of power that governments use to create wealth in the interest of the few at the expense of the many. An idea during some periods of history must be dispersed amongst the common folk through a few to implore those with a conscience to come out and do what is right as textbooks that are printed for mass consumption prefer to work with the minorities that wield the wealth and influence that belongs to everyone globally.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Social Equality Action Doctrine

This is a phantom doctrine that i hope someday will forge a path that will coincide with ethnic cooperation and ethnic homogeneation beyond racial or religious lines affecting many nations on the verge of becoming great powers in their respective regions.
An investigation into what would be considered as guiding criteria to gauge if a society is progressive or regressive would be highly beneficial to each sovereign nation ignoring the principles of globalization and its trade-centric idealogy. Economic progress must be critically interrogated and reconstructed thus deviating from failing and existing power structures that manifest themselves in hierarchies and monopolies that thrive on profit and control.
1) Inter-dependence upon the concepts of interest, profit, rent, taxes, absolute ownership and wages must be studied.
2)Banks forged without stockholders must be envisioned. Commerical paper should be relieved of its post as the vanguard party of a bank in order to facilitate its payroll and transactions. Commercial paper is a note of promise or rather a promisary notice that states an intent to repay of debt with interest on the specific note. A methodology that follows this logic will naturally rely heavily on credibility and hence will propogate an idealogy based on monopoly. In this instance it would be a monopoly by entities that hold the most reliability and therefore have the ability to artificially inflate or deflate their balance sheets in order to create reassurances to investors at the most basic level such as teachers, farmers, blue collar workers and white collar workers who willingly deposit their hard earned money into these financial institutions feeling absolutely secure. This idealogy must be replaced with one that is supported by collateral. This will eliminate the process of speculative sales and debt incursion through false information. Credibility must be created through existing collateral and not from artificially conceived numbers provided by speculators. THE PUBLIC POST OFFICE could be and REEMPHASIZE the words "could be" the common mans cure; that is available domestically all over a sovereign nations territories and should be analyzed further in the advent of a global collapse of the banking structures that transcend international boundaries employing collective wealth to make purchases and decisions good or bad. This will eliminate commercial paper from being used to take loans that somehow find themselves covering personal assets such as buildings, land, equipment, protection for the latter and so on and so forth. The post office however is an establishment created through federal funding and thus puts regulation in the hands of government which does not always mean it is bad ESPECIALLY for the common man.
Note: commercial paper in its initial conception was intended to cover operational management and expenses incurred while processing receiveable accounts and updating and maintaining inventories pertaining to the functionality of a financial institution over a period of time; usually between 1 and 9 months. We the people MUST be compelled to proactively infer a causality for a currently pressing phenomenon that is becoming a virulent malaise quietly but certainly infecting every single country that is involved in global commerce; that is to say Every worldly inhabitant!

Monday, September 29, 2008

Wall Streets Circus Act is shrinking our backyards

So with the infinite wisdom expoused by treasury secretary Henry Paulson and the meddling consensus of most senators; a brilliant bailout plan was conceived to save Capitalist America through acquiring more loans from overseas allies(only at the turn of the century did they become so-called allies through laisse-faire economics) such as Japan and China. Its a funny notion, that a debt ridden corporation( yes USA is pretty much a corporation running from top down in its hierarchial structure) running on empty would resort to taking out more loans to cover its mistakes or should i say shady practices by brilliant minds. I guess it is an imperative gamble that the United States must embark upon to sustain its major financial institutions. Washington Mutual has gone down under alongside Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, Lehman Brothers and Merryl Lynch. These former heavyweights have gone over to become extension agencies of the Feds. In simple terms the State Apparatus is now the owner of more then 50 percent of the free market capital institutions. To the naked eye this might seem as just a plan to bailout these companies but further analysis would give way to the real situation which is that the Federal government now has control over these institutions that provides loans, mortgages, credit cards, bonds, stocks and all other financial jargon to the average taxpaying citizen. This is the beginning of socialism to the rescue when the rich decide to ditch. However, among other things the federal government will have direct control over the affairs of the public citizenry and they must now forego thier forego their ascribed idealogy that capitalism and free markets were the defining pillars of American society which allowed everyone to be free and independent and in the process OWN anything that is within the buying power of their wallets. Basically the government now owns housing in many areas and decides who is eligible for credit upgrades and who can buy luxury cars and who cannot. The dictation has switched into the hands of the federal government and this is similar to Russia with some respect as the Russian state apparatus holds sway with these types of decisions(credit,mortgage,public spending,tax who and when) except that their doctrines are far stricter and corrupted through excessive yet,elusive KGB(supposed defunct) intervention. For the commoner out there, Vladimir Putin was the KGB's poster boy gangster turned political hero with the help of monopolizing petreoleum dollars by forcefully acquiring Yugo's petro. corp( could be YUKO'S?), Russia's most powerful oil company. Only time will tell where the former glory of America is going to go..either spiral downwards...or be retroactive and switch to Franklin D. Roosevelt style governance through the New Deal that was a huge social program eloquently conscripted by the man who had foresigt: Franklin D Roosevelt. Somewhere around 1933 FDR rocked the American public by testing what the entire nation stood for. A great number of regulations were enforced upon private enterprises and the fed's usurped the power from corporations. FDR had put America on track again with his socialist plans and now once is a critical time for America to once again decide on which train it is going to embark..the McCain train that vehemently confronts problems with creating Internatioanal crisis to provide smokescreens to salvage personal interests(Just an opinion) or the Iron Clad people's hero ObamaExpress,...that will give you tax dollars back, create new plans based on environmentally products to be marketted to the rest of the world, fix healthcare through outsourcing( yes i said it! outsourcing to cheaper countries and using video conferencing and satellite imaging that can provide extremely clear detailed 3dimensional images to medical officers in other countries, reducing employment by the creation of industries producing renewable energy products.(Remember lots of soldiers are going to be back with nothing to do!).
The man's mind is a gold mine. Give him a chance to extend FDR's legacy in the face of a great test.

Note: Oil is still available. its a farce that we are running out as quickly as they claim. However Mother Nature is running out of patience with our nonsense..So although oil might be around under some rock deep in a crater deep in the ocean, we might not! and neither will other resources..such as tin,copper,rubber,silver,zinc, that are integral parts of many products we take for granted these days. Help me help us...Knowledge is power..but time is of the essence, so watch out for danger. Dont upset MOTHER NATURE.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Obama VS. McCain

Okay so i didnt exactly get to see Barack Obama, who came to Purdue yesterday and left quietly soon after. Anyway...this prompted to go ahead and conjure up a quick analysis of the Obama Pillar against the Oppositional Stump:

Senator McCain's ambitious strategy in Iraq is doomed for failure and he knows it McCains believe of erradicating the idea of TERRORISM is reckless; especially in a country full of nationalists JUST like any other nation On top of that, poverty and religion have been manipulated to provide BLIND FAITH. The inevitable truth lies in statistics and strategists that lie in the hands of the military brass that have had continued exposure. The diplomacy and direct talk power JUST like the COMMANDER IN CHIEF POWER AND SIGNING IN STATEMENTS TO CONGRESS POWER that only the American prez. possesses simply through the great recognition and respect given to the position through historical fact(Constitution) can move even the greatest of enemies. Only one of these two candidates seem viable for the job of diplomacy. Another job is to listen and recognize facts. Obama seems more astute at this and it is obvious from his answers to his audiences through his campaigns. Intelligent people are USUALLY stubborn, please reconsider the importance of listening. Is it NOT obvious that ethical principles matter globally and MUST be lead by example by recognizing international law. the brute military force of american muscle can obliterate everyone 10 times over but there must be a hold on that force because everyone can be eradicated through ICBM warfare.Thus without the option of obliteration, The united states cannot AFFORD to attack Iraq, Iran or anyone. Iran is already afraid of reprisal. IT IS SURROUNDED BY AMERICAN FORCES AND NATO(North Atlantic TreatY Org.). Not to mention forces in Middle Eastern nations such as Qatar, Afganistan,Iraq, Yemen and the UAE and the Hormutz Straits that is clankering with American Vessels overpopulated and waiting for orders to attack. Barack Obama's diversity and youth will bring prosperity. Another important fact is that Pakistan is the cunning fox among this complex maze of deception built and scuplted to the fancy of the media mohguls.The verocity and explosivitity of colliding fundamentalist Islam from the West vehemently trying to convert and penetrate the friendly Hindustan influenced Islam in the East of the country is causing a fermentation of hatred. India has been acknowledging this terrost trend since its inception or should i say independence lol..To eliminate BinLaden would be eliminating the cold war like in the 70's 80's and 90's..and this should be the emphasis..the death of an ICON.Knowing how the pain of suffering feels and LOOKS is necessary to become a great leader but this is NOT necessary to alleviate poverty and improve global stability and viability.. To run a prosperous planet,NOT COUNTRY, we need a true leader/listener,..not a warrior/failure. A prosperous planet will lead to an even mightier america. why not obama?

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

OBAMA: ChangeAgent visits Purdue West Lafayette Indiana!

Senator Barack Hussein Obama a devout Christian, visits Purdue University today in an attempt to clarify his positions on Cyber security, Global Security, energy and most likely Foreign policy as well considering, that the specially invited guests would certainly be intent on determining how the senator sees the world. I will be attempting to observe this momentous occassion but from what ive observed Purdue University is crawling with law enforcement cordoning of designated areas and what not. Nevertheless the man is a monument and monuments deserve protection and global watch dogs need information. So i will keep this posted.

An intimate introduction to an Analytical Lense i.e: me

A liberal individual is never limited to established forms of social conduct or ‘contracts’ and always seek to transcend beyond old boundaries to seek new feasible solutions to complex problems. Secularism is an important element of liberalism that is necessary in order to facilitate problems requiring diverse groups to cooperate. I am liberal towards the use of my analyitcal lense because of the cultural, political, philosophical beliefs I have come to adhere to through my genealogically influenced social experiences that have conversely, time and again, made me contemplate my philosophical ideology.
Group rights and interests are important and labor unions are a positive step towards empowerment, as the majority of the worlds homo sapient inhabitants fall under the blue collar working class. I am liberal enough to advocate progressive revisionist intervention on the treaty of Westphalia that was created in a time of uncertainty and feudalism in our human history which is now being employed under the guise of immigration to inhibit developmental individualism through cultural and informational exchange via globalization. Although, the internet has accelerated the transfer of information; xenophobia itself can only be transcended through unfettered, unbiased access to social, political, economical and global means of mobility. All these requirements strongly emphasize an altruistic approach towards social welfare by those who hide their silver laden coffers and wield the mighty sword under the auspices of world governments that abide to their will. In order to extract the necessary cooperation; I think all other disenfranchised groups must consolidate their efforts setting aside petty differences in order to effectively pressure these elitist spheres into reallocating resources peacefully rather than restoring the use of guillotines. These aspirations and hopes convince me that I will remain liberal. So this is postModern Me from a idealogical perspective indicating my socialist gene pool.